Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Largest, longest, Biggest, Highest, Smallest etc in the world

Largest Bird - Ostrich
Biggest Bridge in the world - San Francisco, Oakland Bridge (8.5 miles)
Longest Bridge in the world (on river) - Mahatma Gandhi Setu (India)
Tallest building in the world - Burj Khalifa (829.84 m (2,723 ft))
Largest country in the world (By land mass) - Russia (6,592,846 sq miles)
Largest country in the world (By population) - China (1,347,350,000)
Smallest country (by land mass) - Vatican city
Smallest country (by population) - Vatican city
Biggest continent - Asia
Smallest continent - Australia
Longest Epic - Mahabharat
Biggest island in the world - Greenland
Biggest ocean - Pacific
World's biggest museum - British Museum, London
Highest Mountain - Mount Everest
Largest Peninsula - Arabia
Biggest Planet - Jupiter
Smallest Planet - Mercury
Brightest Planet - Venus
Highest Volcano - Cotopaxy (Andes, Equador)

other important general awareness topics are....
cabinet ministers of india with their departments
Chief ministers of all states
Nartional parks and wildlife sanctuaries in india
first in the world
famous inventions and discoveries
Books and their authors
cups and trophies

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